faithfool i want to believe

Saturday, August 03, 2002

Huh? The city of Mandaluyong has this bug billboard along EDSA proclaiming it to be the shopping mall capital of the country. Right beside this big announcement is a picture of the mayor, Benhur Abalos, smiling benignly. Somehow I don't think that being regarded as the shopping mall capital of the country is something to crow about.

Thursday, August 01, 2002

In other words, useless. I was talking to a guy from another office in the university where I work. He was asking me about the process we follow in updating the university website. It seems that several units in the university where I work have complained that the information posted there is not updated. So I told him that I usually ask for new information at the beginning of each semester. As much as I'd like to update it more often, I still have to attend to other things in the office. The problem is that people in the university expect to be asked each and everytime about any updates in their programs. How am I supposed to know that they've just revised their curriculum? How am I to know that they have new activities lined up? I told him that if they wanted the website to stay current, they should take the initiative to inform me if there's anything new from their end. I can't read minds and I certainly can't anticipate the needs of 300 people all at the same time.
What pisses me off is that he said there was an impression among the bosses that our office is underutilized. I just lost it at that point. I told him that our office is currently being run by just two persons: Two slaves expected to come up with two semestral publications, one annual report, one weekly calendar of events (print and online), press releases. organize press conferences, take pics of events, edit the marketing materials of other offices, layout ads for other units in the university, and most of all, keep the website updated all the time. On top of that, we don't have a full-time boss, we don't have an inkling of know how much our budget is, and our requests for new equipment always get turned down.
Let's not even get into the question of compensation.
If this is the bosses' idea of under-freakin'-utilized, all I can say is to them is shut up and die.

Monday, July 29, 2002

Perfect view. I sit behind a rather rotund guy in one of my classes. Whenever he stands up to recite, I get front row seats to a breathtaking view of his butt. What sets his butt apart from other butts is the arrangement. I don't know if they're built to look that way or there is something he does to make them look so. They look different. I've seen huge behinds before but they've never looked like his.
His butt is so big that whenever he stands up, my view of half of the room is obliterated. To see is to appreciate, however. I'd really love to take a picture of my twice-a-week vision so you'll get an idea of just what I'm talking about. Taking pictures of other people's butts and posting them in the net is, however, rude. So I won't. My words should be enough to disparage him.

Simon says. Negotiations and love songs are often mistaken for one and the same. An acute observation from Paul Simon. Check out the song Trains in the Distance. These are from there.

Have a nice day. I think I will too. The sun is shining over Manila today. Not even the faintest threat of rain in the sky. Everything is just perfect.


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